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More Scams

Eight Subtle Signs Your Identity Has Been Stolen
The effects of identity theft can be immediately, catastrophically obvious—or you may be compromised for years without knowing it.

How to Tell If Someone Is Stealing Your Utilities
It’s surprisingly easy for nefarious neighbors to leech the services you’re paying for.

That Message From the IRS About Your Refund Is a Scam
Don't click the link—the IRS won't ever text or email you.

How to Tell a Fake Rolex From a Real One in 2023
It used to be fairly easy to tell a fake Rolex from a real one, but these days, it can be nearly impossible.

How to Tell If That Package Delivery Text Is a Scam
Scammers are trying to get your personal information—here's how to keep that from happening.

How to Get Money Back From a Gift Card Scam
If you bought a gift card for a scammer, it might not be too late to get your money back.

That Customer Service Number on Google Might Be a Scam
Bad actors are claiming Google business listings using fraudulent phone numbers.

That Rental Listing Might Actually Be a Scam
Rental scams are tricking people into giving away their money and personal information. Here's how to stay safe.

How to Spot a Job Offer Scam Written by AI
AI is making fake job postings and offers harder to distinguish from the real thing.

Avoid This Travel Agency Scam
Planning your vacation? Beware: Fake travel agencies are after your money and personal information.

This Scam Is Targeting Home Closing Costs
If you're not extra careful, you might be wiring tens of thousands of dollars to a scammer.

This 'IRS Letter' Is a Scam
No, you don't need to share photos of your driver's license to get your refund.

That Zoom Settlement Email Is Legit
The recent email about the Zoom settlement is not a scam—go get your share.

What to Do If You Become a Victim of 'Sextortion'
If your nudes are out there, they might come back around to haunt you.

Your Doctor’s and Lawyer’s ‘Rankings’ and ‘Awards’ Are Probably Fake
Does your dentist have a “top dentists” award in their office? It’s probably a lie.

Beware of These Scams the Next Time You Move
Watch out for these red flags when hiring your next moving company.

What People Are Getting Wrong This Week: Fake Celebrity Endorsements
Exposing the dark lies and seedy secrets of the gummy weight loss industry.

Beware of These Scams Targeting New Homeowners
As risky as buying a house can be, it can get even worse after you actually own the place.

Beware of These Personalized ChatGPT Email Scams
ChatGPT has opened the floodgates to more convincing email scams.