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Common work questions demystified for the 9-to-5 set and beyond. Understand the ins-and-outs of the working world, whether you need help getting hired, changing careers, or anything else that crops up in your 40-hour work week.
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Upgrade Your Home Office With These Prime Day Deals
From standing desks to ergonomic desk chairs, here are some of the best office supply sales.

How to Choose the Best Productivity Method for You
Not every technique works for every person.

You Need a Productivity Journal
When it comes to productivity, you just can't beat writing stuff down.

Use the ‘7-Minute Life’ to Create Faster To-Do Lists
This time management and productivity technique is surprisingly easy—but effective.

Use 'Flowtime' As a Flexible Alternative to the Pomodoro Technique
Work for as long as you can, then enjoy a well-earned break.

My Seven Favorite Productivity Methods in One Efficient List
These techniques will help you get more done without stressing about how to make it happen.

Use 'RPM' to Structure Your Day More Efficiently
This organizational method is all about action and results.

Three Ways to Identify a 'Ghost' Job Posting
That job posting might be advertising a position that doesn't exist.

Overhaul Your To-Do List With the 'ABCDE' Method
Start grading your tasks to make your to-do list easier to sort through.

Get More Done With the ‘3-3-3 Method’
This technique helps you maximize your productivity by prioritizing and spacing out your tasks.

Use This 100-Year-Old Productivity Method to Get More Done
Use this century-old to-do list technique to conquer your responsibilities.

Prioritize Your To-Do List By Imagining Rocks in a Jar
Your time and energy are finite. Kinda like rocks in a pickle jar.

Make a Better To-Do List With the 1-3-5 Method
You can't do a million things in a day. You can do nine, though.

Use Productivity 'Sprints' When Your Attention Span Is Low
Sometimes getting things done happens in sprints—not one marathon session.

Apply Marie Kondo’s Method to Your To-Do Lists
Ruthlessly organize your tasks so you have more time for what matters.

The Cheapest Professional Certificates That Pay Pretty Well
Getting certified in an industry is a key way to a good living, but can cost a lot in terms of time and money.

Why You Should Avoid 'Reverse Recruiters' During a Job Search
Unless you absolutely have no time, it's likely a waste of money.

Stop Using One Chrome Profile for Everything
If you're not separating your work life from your school or personal life in Chrome, you're doing it all wrong.

The Only Two Times You Can Effectively Multitask
You really shouldn't multitask, but if you simply must...

When to Use LinkedIn’s ‘I’m Interested’ Feature, According to a Recruiter
This feature can secretly signal your interest in working for a particular company.