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Introducing Skillet: a Lifehacker Blog About Cooking and Food

Everyone's gotta eat, so you might as well make it good. Today, we're launching a new section of Lifehacker called Skillet, dedicated to kitchen skills, food science, and basic cooking knowledge.

Our goal with Skillet is to create a new type of food blog. Instead of just sharing recipes and "food porn" (as much as we love both of those things), our goal is to actually make you a better cook through knowledge, skills, and useful time savers. We'll still be sharing some basic recipes from time to time, but Skillet should be everything you've come to expect from Lifehacker: practical.

Writing for Skillet will be Susannah Chen, veteran food writer from sites like Chow and Popsugar. As with our other sub-blogs, much of this content will get shared to the Lifehacker main page, but not all of it—so if you want to eat up all the food content you can, be sure to add to your bookmarks bar, subscribe to the RSS feed, or follow Skillet on Twitter.

Photo by Kirsten Skiles.