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Everything about getting fitter, staying healthy, and understanding your body and mind
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How to Stop Beating Yourself Up About Your Body Image
Three experts share advice for body acceptance and self-compassion.

The Best Quad Exercises for Leg Day
No, they’re not all squats. (But some of them are squats.)

What to Eat After a Workout
Carbs and protein can help you recover, but don't let your post-workout meal sabotage your big-picture plans.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Pro Is $250 Off Right Now
Get a sporty smartwatch for the lowest price it's ever been.

What People Are Getting Wrong This Week: ‘Disease X’ Conspiracies
How an imaginary disease is setting off a real-world panic.

These ‘Pathways to Hope’ Can Improve Your Mental Health
Notice the small moments that can improve your mental health, and even create them yourself.

These Are the Best Kinds of Exercise for Losing Weight
It’s not HIIT. But it’s not just walking, either.

The 10 Most Common Gym Machines (and How to Use Them)
And more importantly, how to adjust them.

You Can Get the Mode Wireless Electric Toothbrush on Sale for $145 Right Now
It comes with a wireless charging dock that keeps your toothbrush from adding clutter to your bathroom counter.

All the Types of Water Filters (and Which One You Might Need)
While not everyone needs one of these filters, they can be used to remove lead, bacteria, viruses, and chemical contaminants.

How (and Why) to Get Better at Active Listening
Listening isn't a passive activity—at least if you're doing it right.

The Best Exercises for Your Glutes (That Is, Your Butt)
And why I think hip thrusts are overrated.

If Therapy Is Too Expensive, Try Single-session Interventions
Therapy doesn't have to be a long-term commitment to be helpful.

The Best Exercises for Beefier, More Powerful Hamstrings
Romanian deadlifts make the list, of course—but check out these lesser-known options as well.

How the ‘Spoon’ and ‘Fork' Theories Can Make You More Compassionate to Yourself (and Others)
A metaphorical exercise in compassion might help you better deal with all of life’s big and little stressors.

These Are the Best Bicep Exercises
Try these exercises to work your biceps brachii, or in scientific terms, your guns.

You Can Get This Roomie Smart Scale on Sale for $28 Right Now
It works with four high-precision sensors to give you 11 metrics, including weight, body fat, visceral fat, and muscle mass.

'Stretch Therapy' Can Make You a Lot More Flexible
Get bendy—and reduce your risk of injury, while you're at it.

‘Mental Time Travel’ Can Help You Make Better Decisions
Our memories of the past can help us envision our futures.

These Are My Two Favorite Shoulder Strengthening Routines
Get strong, healthy shoulders with these exercises.