Jeff Somers

Why You Shouldn’t Buy or Rent for the Building Amenities
We often get lured into a condo or rental with the promise of shared amenities, but they’re not worth anything if you don’t use them.

How to Turn Your Juliet Balcony Into Functional Space
That so-called "balcony" can work for dining, food prep, storage, and more.

Consider Adding a Solar Water Heater to Your Home
Solar thermal panels can heat your water. For free.

How Long Do ‘Lifetime Warranties’ Actually Last?
Warranties on roofs, houses, and other property and items often promise a “lifetime” of protection—they often actually last a lot less than that.

When to Withhold Payment From Your Contractor
Hiring a contractor can seem like an exercise in endless check-writing—but sometimes you need to put that checkbook away.

All of Your Information That’s Publicly Available (and What You Can Do About It)
You’d be surprised how much information about your private life is actually public record.

These Common Job Description Phrases Are Red Flags
If you see one of these phrases in a job description, you might be walking into a nightmare.

How to Make a ‘Minimally Viable’ Budget (and Why You Should)
Working out a “minimally viable” budget means knowing the smallest amount of income you can survive on without starving.

The Best Ways to Furnish a Small Living Space
Sure, you're moving into an adorably tiny space—but you don't need child-sized furniture to make it work.

What to Consider Before Buying a New Kitchen Faucet
In the market for a new faucet? You have a surprising number of options.

Five Ways You Could Be Using the Space Above Your Kitchen Cabinets
If your cabinets don’t go to the ceiling, you’re missing out on free real estate. Here’s how to put it to work.

Easy (and Cheap) Home Upgrades That Make a Big Difference
If your house is feeling a little rundown, consider these simple and inexpensive changes.

Building a DIY Solar Panel Is Surprisingly Straightforward
If you’re looking to add some solar power to your home and you love a good project, try making your own solar panel.

How to Turn a Terrible Couch Into a Comfortable Couch
The couch looked great in the showroom, but now that you’re actually sitting on it at home, you hate it.

Six Ways You’re Guaranteed to Annoy Your New Neighbors (and How to Avoid Them)
A new home is a chance at a fresh start—don’t ruin it by pissing off your neighbors right off the bat.

How to Stop Jerks From Blocking Your Driveway
If people keep blocking your driveway and the cops won’t do much, what can you do?

Everything You Need for a Basic Home Bar
Because you love your friends, and your friends love cocktails.

How to Figure Out How Many Solar Panels Your House Needs
Congratulations on taking the plunge into renewable energy for your home. Now it's time to do some math.

Five Times When You Shouldn't Renovate Your House Before Selling
When selling your home, you’re often advised to put some money into it—but you don’t always get that money back, and buyers won’t care if they’re just going to renovate themselves.

Five Ways to Generate Solar Power at Home Without Roof-mounted Panels
Want renewable energy but don't want a clunky grid sitting on your beautiful roof? Consider these six solar panel alternatives.