Jeff Somers

Why You Should (Almost) Always Renovate Your Home in Phases
Save your sanity by breaking your home-renovation plan into discrete projects.

You Might Not Have to Pay That Old Invoice
Out of nowhere you received an old invoice for something that happened two, three years ago—or longer. Can they still bill you for something that old? Maybe.

Everything You Should Google About a Company Before You Take the Job
There’s nothing worse than enduring an endless interview cycle, getting a job, and then realizing you’ve made a terrible mistake. Here’s what you need to know about a potential employer before you accept the job.

Five (Legal) Alternative Uses for a Storage Unit
Don't just use your storage unit to store stuff. That's boring.

Five Situations You Should Be Using a Contract (and How to Make One)
It’s pretty easy to write a legally binding contract. You should be using them a lot more.

What to Do If Your Neighbor’s Tree Hangs Over Your Property
When a neighbor’s tree hangs over your property it can be a nuisance—and even cause damage. But tread carefully before you trim it.

How to Oust Your Condo Board or HOA
Lawsuits against incompetent or malicious condo boards or HOAs are difficult because the law favors them. But there’s one thing you can almost always do: Petition to remove them.

You Should Run a Background Check on Your Future Landlord (and Yourself)
Check out your potential landlord—and find out what red flags they might find on you.

9 Types of Outlets You Might Find in Your House (and What They’re Supposed to Power)
If you’re wondering what you can plug in and where, here’s everything you need to know so you don’t a) burn down your house or b) destroy your appliances.

When to Get a Tankless Water Heater (and When Not To)
If you have a large family or a small space, a tankless water heater may be more trouble than it’s worth.

When It’s Actually a Good Idea to Remove a Bathroom
More bathrooms isn't always better, despite what we've been told.

The Six Ways You Need to Maintain Your Chimney
If your house has a chimney, it needs maintaining—whether you actually use it or not.

Your Home Might Need External Insulation, Too
If you’re going to replace the siding or cladding on the exterior of your house, you should take the opportunity to add external insulation for a more comfortable house and lower energy bills.

The Best Solar Generators You Can Buy Right Now
Whether you're camping or navigating a blackout, a reliable solar generator can be a godsend.

Why You Might Need Mechanical Breakdown Insurance for Your Car
Mechanical breakdown insurance can make it possible to get your car fixed without losing your shirt.

How to Avoid Force-Place Insurance on Your Home or Car (and Why You Should)
Lenders sometimes go ahead and purchase insurance you don’t need.

What to Do if the Police Seize Your Cash or Property
Often the police can legally seize your property—even if you haven’t done anything wrong.

When Renovating Your Rental Is Actually a Good Idea
Renovating a property you don’t own seems like a bad idea—but under the right circumstances, there are distinct benefits.

The Weirdest Side Hustles That Can Make You Real Money
Make money as well as something to tell your grandkids about (or not).

All the Metal Stuff You Can Sell for Scrap When Remodeling
When you tear your house apart to beautify it, it’s typical to just order a dumpster for the debris—but there might be scrap metal money in it for you.