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Everything about getting fitter, staying healthy, and understanding your body and mind
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My Favorite Products for Combating Accutane-Related Dryness
These products are saving me from turning to dust while I'm on Accutane.

No, We Aren’t All Eating “Too Much” Protein
Yes, the average American gets more than the minimum—and that’s a good thing.

What the 30-30-30 Trend Gets Right About Weight Loss (and What It Gets Wrong)
Eating protein and exercising every morning isn’t a bad thing—but there’s no reason to be so strict about it.

Why Running Slower Isn’t Always the Answer
Running too fast is a beginner mistake, but that doesn’t mean your runs always have to be turtle-slow.

Should You Do Cardio Before or After Lifting Weights?
It depends on your goals in the gym.

How to Split an Apple in Half With Your Bare Hands (and a Way to Cheat a Little)
What human being can do that? Surely nobody but Paul Rudd!

How to Choose Between the Peloton Bike and the Bike+
The Bike is good enough for most of us, but the Bike+ has some pretty sweet upgrades.

Here's Where You Can Return Running Shoes, Even If You've Already Run in Them
Independent running stores often have good return policies—but so do a bunch of the big brands.

When You Really Need to Replace Your Running Shoes, According to Reddit
You don't have to chuck them just because they've hit 300 miles.

The Easiest Ways to Get More Vitamin D in Your Diet
No need to drown yourself in spoonfuls of cod liver oil.

These Are the Best Cardio Workouts
In which I crown the cheapest, the easiest on your body, and the most fun.

Why Now Is the Best Time to Find Running Shoes on Sale
New shoes tend to be unveiled in the spring, making this the perfect time to snag a deal on last year's model.

TikTok Myth of the Week: Freezing Bread Makes It Healthier
Resistant starch is a real thing, but freezing your bread is not a meaningful health hack.

Does It Really Matter Which Side You Sleep On?
Your body isn’t symmetrical, so there really is a difference between the left and right sides.

How to Squat Without the Bar Hurting Your Neck
And no, you don't need to use a pad if you don't want to.

Here's How Long You Should Rest Between Workout Sets
There are a few things to consider, but don't overthink it.

It's Time to Start Taking Your Spring Allergies Seriously
If you've been sniffling your way through springtime, make 2024 the year you finally make some changes.

How to Accurately Count Calories (and Why You Might Want To)
What app should you use? How do you track homemade food? We have all the answers here.

Here’s When It’s Better to Work Out in the Morning (or the Evening)
Morning and evening workouts both have their advantages, science-based and otherwise.

13 of the Best Exercises You Can Do With a Cable Machine
Cables are great for pulling exercises and can do a lot of things dumbbells can't.