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Stay Cool While Putting Out Life’s Fires With a Berry Mint Sour
I swear this drink is the only thing that has its shit together.

You're Wrong About 'Beer Before Liquor'
It's a good rhyme, but it doesn't actually mean anything.

Fuck It, Make Your Dirty Martini With Tequila
In the words of my favorite bartender: Let's make drinks, not judgements.

The Two Best Ways to Make Limoncello at Home
It’s a vibrant, heady, sweet and fragrant beverage, best sipped while ice cold at the end of a meal.

You Want to Try This Iced Mocha Cola?
Coffee. Chocolate. Coke. This customizable pick-me-up has everything you desire.

What's So Special About White Whiskey?
It’s a cynical marketing triumph, but also a fun alternative to other spirits.

Does Balsamic Vinegar and Sparkling Water Really Taste Like Coke?
Never trust a pilates instructor on TikTok pushing a Coke substitute.

How Long Does Liquor Really Last After You Open the Bottle?
Unfortunately, the longevity of your rum, whiskey, vodka, tequila, and mezcal is not indefinite.

This Cucumber Gimlet Is a Weekend Necessity
Get sauced and fight scurvy with this wonderfully refreshing classic.

Your Next Seltzer Needs Some Jam
Behold: The no-fuss, no muss seltzer enhancer you didn't know you needed--jam.

How to Read a Whiskey Label Without Embarrassing Yourself
We’ve been making whiskey for centuries. Over that period of time things have gotten ... complicated.

Get 'Girl Drink Drunk' With a Strawberry Daiquiri
This simple pink drink tastes so good, it just might get you fired.

These Are the Best Alternatives to a Keurig
There are better options—even if you don't want to give up the convenience.

How Long Does Liquor Last After You Open a Bottle?
Like all good things, that really nice bottle of booze you’ve been saving for a special occasion can’t last forever.

Steam Your Way to Spot-Free Wine Glasses
How did these smudges get there? I’ll never know, but they must be vanquished, disappeared, and banished from my sight.

Make Spicy-Sweet Cocktails With Pepper Jelly
Pepper jelly can be used to add sweetness and spice to an adult beverage.

Transition Into Spring With the Backyard Smash
Because it’s April, and winter needs to die already.

Unleash Angostura’s Star Power With a Trinidad Sour
Let the cocktail world's hardest working background player take center stage.