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Peanut Butter Belongs on Your Next Burger
This major flavor ingredient of cookies and no-bake pies might be coming for your cheeseburger too.

Make an Easy Khachapuri With Pre-made Pizza Dough
The only thing better than having cheese bread is having it faster.

Why Not Waffle Some Ramen Noodles?
Waffled ramen deserves to be your next savory snack.

You Can Get This Indoor Electric Grill and Griddle on Sale for $50 Right Now
This indoor grill and griddle has a removable tempered glass lid, nonstick dual-surface grill and griddle plate, and an adjustable temperature control dial.

You Deserve Feta and Honey Pancakes
When you can't decide between sweet or savory pancakes, this is your answer.

Stuff Your Pizza Crust With Hot Dogs
Pigs in blankets are always welcome, and that's how you know this is a good idea.

The Best Ways to Fix a Dry Cake
No one likes dry cake. Here are ways to turn things around if your cake has entered the dusty zone.

A Blender Cake Is the Easiest Cake You’ll Ever Make
Emulsifying fats and liquids can be a slow process for smooth cake batters, but in a blender it takes mere seconds.

Pancake Mix Makes the Easiest, Tastiest Frying Batter
This easy-to-remember ratio can turn even the most boring veggies into a fine snack.

Make This Fried Egg Salad With Your Leftover Easter Eggs
While you can do this simple egg technique any time of year, post-Easter eggs are in desperate need of refreshing.

Save Money and Treat Yourself to a Pizza Week
As it turns out, being a fiscally responsible adult means that you can have pizza every day.

How to Revive Soggy Fast Food in Your Air Fryer
Enough with angrily scarfing down soggy chicken sandwiches—there's a quick solution to revive your humid fast food delivery.

Nine Foods (and Drinks) Made Better by Pickles
Pickles make a splash as a garnish, main dish, or cocktail ingredient, and I'm here for every bit of it.

Use a Mug Warmer to Cut Down Bread Proofing Time
Yeast likes to be warm. So does coffee.

How to Choose the Right Coffee Grinder
It's a little more complicated than you might think.

The Easiest Ways to Fix Bad Barbecue Sauce
No matter how your BBQ sauce disappointed you, improve it with one of these easy additions.

Khai Dao Is the Sexy Bad Boy of Fried Eggs
Khai dao is a crispy Thai fried egg and it deserves more than toast to carry it.

Make a ‘Winter BLT’ With Chunky Tomato Sauce
How to get robust tomato flavor when tomato season is still months away.

How to Freeze Batches of Sauce Now for Easy Dinners in the Future
Put the ice cube trays away—these methods make more sense.

Risotto Is Easier to Make (and More Forgiving) Than You Realize
It's time to stop being scared of risotto.