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You Should Try Seed Tape In Your Garden This Spring
Tiny seeds need not stress your eyesight or dexterity.

This Year, Try Growing a ‘Goth Garden’
Bringing black into the garden can actually have stunning results.

How to Test Your Soil (and Why You Should)
You can use an at-home kit, or send out some soil to be professionally tested.

What to Start Seeding and Planting in March
March is finally your time, gardeners—but you still want to be selective about what you seed this early.

When You Should Buy Insects for Your Garden
If your garden is out of balance and the pests are winning, beneficial insects might help bring order back—but only as a last resort.

All the Gardening Tasks to Tackle in March
It's time to clean, test, prune, and plant.

You Should Bury Fish Heads Under Your Tomato Plants
A decaying fish head is full of nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, which is precisely what a tomato plant needs.

How to Successfully Repot Last Year’s Hanging Flower Baskets
If you held onto yours from last year—and you should—here's how to get another year of blooms from them.

You Should Find (and Use) a Seed Library Near You
It's a great way to access more diverse seeds, including seeds tested in your specific growing environment, and save money.

How to Choose the Right Soil for Your Garden
If all those bags at the big box store confuse you, here's how to determine what kind of soil you need for your garden project.

These Are the Best Vegetables for a More Vibrant Spring Garden
Think outside the stereotypical color profile for your favorite vegetables, and plant some fluorescent orange cauliflower.

Why You Should Start Planting Peas Right Now
The under-appreciated pea is easy to plant, early to sprout, and can fill vertical spaces with delightful blooms and pods.

'Square Foot' Gardening Is a Shortcut to Spring Planting
If you're freaking out about what to plant and where, these pre-planned garden grids can take the guesswork out of the process.

The Five Gardening Tasks You Should Complete in February
Take steps now to ensure a great fruit crop, give your roses ready, and prepare to start seeds.

You Can Actually Rent Goats to Eat Weeds in Your Yard
Why weed your garden yourself when you can rent hungry goats to do it for you?

The Best Ways to Lay Out Your Vegetable Garden
Before you start seeds, plan your garden design using one of these two methods.

What to Know Before You Start Your Own Plants From Seed
Starting your garden from seed instead of buying nursery starts is not for the faint of heart.

It's Time to Cold Stratify Your Seeds
Some flower and vegetable seeds need to experience a cold, moist winter in order to germinate properly—but you can fake the process indoors.

You Can Make Your Artificial Christmas Tree Look More Real
Give your artificial tree some real feel (and smell) with a few simple tricks.