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The Ten Best Wordle Alternatives, Ranked by Difficulty
Who knew there were so many ways to tear your hair out trying to guess a five-letter word?

Try ‘Connections’ If You’re Bored With Wordle
The new game from the New York Times asks you to match words creatively.

There's a New Way to Play Wordle With Your Friends
Wordle Golf is the newest twist on the game from the NYT.

Why You Lost Wordle Today
There's a critical Wordle strategy that some of us haven't gotten on board with.

How to Win at 'Digits,' the New Wordle for Math
The math version of Wordle is tricky, but that undo button really helps.

This 'Oscar Wordle' Is the Best Way to Share Your Awards Predictions
What's the use of predicting who will win if you can't lord your prescience over others?

When Is It OK to Cheat at Wordle?
I'm not sure that googling "Wordle hint" is any less cheaty than "Wordle answer," but let's discuss.

14 of the Best Wordle Variants You Should Play
Hurdle, Absurdle, Quordle, Squardle, and even more puzzle games that don't rhyme.

Wordle Has Themes Now, so You Should Change Your Strategy
The old word list appears to be gone, and that should probably change your strategy.

Now There’s a Wordle for Flags (With Two Ways to Win)
Flagle gives you flag-related clues, but also geographical ones.

Redactle Is Like Wordle but for a Whole Wikipedia Page
It's devilishly hard to solve. You have to try it.

How to Get a Wordle Hint Without Spoiling the Whole Thing
For when you want to cheat, but only a little bit.

Science Thinks It Has Found the Best Wordle Starter
Move over, CRANE. The best starting word is SALET—or is it?

You Might Actually Learn Something From This Wordle for Works of Art
Artle asks you to guess the artist, with sometimes surprising results.

WordAll Makes You Guess All the Words
The latest Wordle-style game has multiple answers.

WeWordle Is the Multiplayer Wordle That Is Currently Stressing Me Out
The newest copycat has me doubting my skills and worth as a human.

Mordle Lets You Play Wordle Against 100 People, and I Love It
You play in a group of up to 100 people, and race to be the first one to solve.

Squabble Lets You Beat Other People at Wordle in Real Time
If Wordle isn't fast-paced enough for you, this alternative amps up the adrenaline.

Hurdle is Like Five Wordles in One
You get to solve five puzzles each day, and only the fifth is significantly tricker than usual.

Squardle Broke My Brain, and Then I Won
What if Wordle was a crossword, but a super confusing one?