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All the Gardening Tasks to Tackle in May
There's a lot to do, including fertilizing, planting, seeding and watching for your last freeze date to pass.

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Indoor Garden
Tools like automation, a level, and a massage wand turn out to be really useful for getting the most out your indoor hydroponic garden.

How to Keep Your Garden Well-Mulched (and Why You Should)
Mulch is much more important than people think, and when it's done right, it won't blow away.

You Should Grow a Pizza Garden This Summer
Few things in life are as satisfying as eating a meal full of vegetables you grew yourself.

Watch the Weather, Not the Calendar, for Planting Times
Last frost dates are important guides for planting, but aren't always accurate.

Coconut Oil Won’t Keep Pests Off Your Houseplants (and What to Use Instead)
You could wind up smothering your plant babies.

Why You Shouldn’t Bother Adding Tea Leaves to Your Garden
Tea is just plant matter, which will compost and provide nitrogen back to the soil. But it won't do anything special for your garden.

How to Grow Vines on Your Pergola or Trellis (and What to Grow)
Create a shaded sanctuary in your garden.

Orange Peels Won't Help Your Garden, Actually
Despite myths about improving your soil to repelling pests, most gardeners don't bother using citrus in the garden.

When You Should Use Sand on Your Lawn (and When You Shouldn't)
Sand can be useful in select yard applications, but you're probably using it wrong.

You Should Build an Herb Spiral for Your Garden
Create a dedicated—and beautiful—space in your garden for culinary herbs and medicinals.

The Best Ways to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Potted Plants
From a barrier or soil protection to a spicy alternative, here are all the ways to protect your plants this spring and summer.

The Best Ways to Identify Any Wildflower You See
It's easy to get acquainted with what’s blooming in the wild spaces around you.

The Best Way to Create a Seed-starting Station at Home
An in-depth guide to everything you need and how to set it up.

Use the Shade in Your Garden to Grow More Vegetables
Take advantage of your garden's darker areas to grow some plants that might otherwise get sun-burned.

Everything I'm Seeding in April
Even if you haven’t started your seed growing yet, there’s still time, so don’t get discouraged.

Let's Grow a 'Cocktail Garden'
Cocktail drinkers, grab your garden tools—we're going to grow a Bloody Mary.

All the Gardening Tasks to Tackle in April
The sun is finally back out, and it's time to reclaim the exterior parts of your home.

It's Time to Prune Your Roses
While you can just lop your rose bushes down to the ground, learning how to prune them the right way can help you shape them for the future.

Three Reasons You Don't Have to Start Your Own Seeds
You can still have a nice garden, even if you didn't start from scratch.