Jeff Somers

For Cheaper Rent, Find a 'Boommate'
More and more empty nesters with big houses and unused bedrooms are taking in renters.

Five Ways to Sun-Proof Your Home (and Keep It Cooler)
Don't just turn down the AC, protect your home from the sun's rays.

Three (Possibly Superior) Alternatives to Rain Gutters
Traditional gutters require a lot of cleaning and maintenance, plus they're ugly. You don't need them.

Five Ways to Give Your Tiny Bathroom More Space
People like to add bathrooms because it looks good on a listing, but if that bathroom is a phone booth-sized space, it might not be that useful.

Why You Need a Backup Bank
Your bank can close your accounts, refuse to deposit checks, or do anything else at any time. You need a Plan B.

How to Help Your Parents Afford Retirement Without Going Broke Yourself
Your parents are aging and have zero money. You can help, but make sure they don’t take you down with them.

The Best Places to Go When You Don't Want to Be Around Kids
You don’t have kids, and you don’t want to hang out with kids. Here’s how to find places to live, vacation, and go out where you’re guaranteed to be child free.

Zero-Waste Stores Aren't As Good As People Think
Zero-waste stores focus on sustainable products and aim to cut down on packaging waste. But do they deliver?

Eight Subtle Signs That You’re About to Buy a Money Pit
The signs that a home is about to suck your bank account dry are not always obvious.

How to Make Money With Your Home EV Charger
You can’t just run an extension cord out the window and make bank letting people charge their EVs, but there are ways to monetize a home EV charger.

When to Accept Cash After a Car Accident (and When to File an Insurance Claim Instead)
Someone hit your car and wants to hand you some money to pay for the damages. Is it ever a good idea?

Six Common Contractor Scams (and How to Avoid Them)
These scams are common for a reason: they work.

The Cheapest Professional Certificates That Pay Pretty Well
Getting certified in an industry is a key way to a good living, but can cost a lot in terms of time and money.

Four Home Renovations That Are Worth the Extra Money (and Five That Aren't)
Renovations are expensive, but some aspects of one will show every penny you spend—and some won’t.

How to Survive the Wilderness with Only the Stuff You Have in Your Pockets
Learn to make a compass with a stick and a fire with your hand sanitizer.

This Mental Exercise Can Protect You From a Home Improvement Disaster
When it comes to home improvement, sometimes the best choice is to change nothing.

Twelve Things to Consider When Buying a Car (Besides the Price)
Theft rates and resale value are among other important considerations.

The Different Kinds of Siding for Your Home (and How to Choose)
Siding can help preserve and protect your home against the elements, and there are more choices than you realize.

Six Clever Uses for Light Sockets
A light socket can serve as a screw-in ceiling fan, a projector, or a Bluetooth speaker.

The Three Scenarios When Utility Protection Plans Are Worth It
Unless your home fits into one of these three categories, you probably won’t need it.