Ross Johnson
Former child star turned dog owner.

18 Demonic Films to Stoke Your Satanic Panic
Movies to watch while your mother sews socks in hell.

22 of the Best Un-Halloween Movies for When You Love Fall but Hate Horror
Because spooky season doesn't have to be freak-me-out season.

The 10 ‘Seinfeld’ Episodes to Watch If You’ve Never Seen It Before (Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That)
Or: How to "yadda yadda yadda" your way through one of the biggest sit-coms of all time.

20 Horror Podcasts That Will Scare the Bejesus Out of You
Creeping terror, poured directly into your earholes.

18 Black-led Horror Movies as Terrifying as 'Candyman'
We're in a golden age of Black horror movies, but it didn't start here.