Jeff Somers

These Small Home Improvements Can Also Improve Your Quality of Life
Some relatively small renovations add more than just value to your home—they also add to your quality of life.

The Senior Discounts That Will Save You the Most Money
The upside of getting older is you start getting some serious discounts—including at some unexpected places.

You Should Check Your Car’s Vehicle History Report Regularly (Even If You’re Not Selling It)
You’re not selling your car today, but it’s a good idea to know what companies like Carfax says about it—because they make mistakes.

How to Make Your Slippery Stairs Safer
Slippery stairs can cause serious injury to your pride—and your body.

The Worst House Emergencies That Come Without Warning (and How to Prepare for Them)
Sometimes your house will warn you that something is about to go very, very wrong—and sometimes there will be no warning at all.

Six Ways You Should Be Using Cat Litter (Even If You Don’t Have a Cat)
It absorbs cats' waste, and is surprisingly useful for a bunch of other reasons.

How to Figure Out Why Your Utility Bill Spiked
Without warning you get a huge water, electric, or gas bill—or all three. You need to figure out why—and fast.

There Are Actual Health Benefits to Wearing Scrotal Support Underwear
Most men don’t think beyond boxers or briefs when it comes to their underwear—but you should.

How to Calculate the Total Cost of Any Recipe
Many recipes will offer the “per serving” estimate, but here's how to figure out how much the total recipe will cost you based on every ingredient you're using.

How a Wedge Pillow Can Improve Your Sleep (and Your Life)
A wedge-shaped pillow can help with a wide range of ailments, from snoring and heartburn to back issues.

Use This Test to See If Your Granite Countertop Needs to Be Resealed
Granite countertops are durable, but many need to be resealed regularly. Here’s how to tell when it’s time to reseal yours.

You Should Find a 'Bin Store' Near You
When customers return merchandise to retailers, it often winds up sold at so-called “bin stores” where the prices decline over time—and you can get some serious bargains.

How to Fix a Room When the Paint Color is All Wrong
You spent a few days painting, and you hate the way it looks. What now?

7 Home Improvement Projects You Can Source From the Dollar Store
If you're looking to spruce up your home on the cheap, your dollar store has more options than you realize.

Why Selling Your Home to an iBuyer Is Almost Always a Bad Idea
Unless you desperately need to get from under your house quickly, selling it the traditional way will almost always be the better option.

Eight Popular ‘Christmas Songs’ That Aren’t Actually Christmas Songs
Sometimes songs become holiday classics for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Here’s How Much You Can Actually Make by Taking Online Surveys
It sounds easy, but can you actually make decent money clicking through online surveys?

There Might Be a Cheaper Fix to Your Expensive Appliance Repair
When an appliance starts throwing error codes, you might think you’re in for an expensive professional repair—but there's another option.

Four Tricks for Getting Actually Decent Airplane Meals
From adding instant noodles to ordering specific meals, here’s how to have a good to even possibly great (!) meal on a plane.

How to Stop (or at Least Slow Down) Porch Pirates
As commerce moves online and the remote work dream recedes, the package thieves celebrate.